Sunday, December 28, 2008

Cards and Catalogs

I was talking to my dear childhood friend, Betsy, about the holidays. The weather in NY had been hampering her holiday plans, her travel, and she was late in getting her cards in the mail...and we got to discussing whether it was environmentally correct to even send Christmas cards anymore... but neither of us want to give them up.
We love going to the mailbox and finding those envelopes from far and near, photos and letters and news from all our friends, even if it's only once a year. A letter is a good thing. And we decided to continue with cards. So what do you give up to make up for the cards we send? Catalogs!

I went into the den and grabbed all the catalogs I hadn't already recycled and went here. You can decide when and if you want to receive catalogs - you can use your current catalogs to jog your memory, or browse through their lengthy list - and remove your name from all the catalog mailing lists.

Let's face it, I didn't order one Christmas present because of a catalog I received. I hardly have time to read newspaper and my favorite magazines, much less pore over catalogs for ideas. That's what the internet is for!

I'm done with catalogs! Whew! That was easy!

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